About Us

Strengthening Families Through Adventure and Sport

At All4One, we know you want to see families place God at the center of their relationships.

You want to find ways to strengthen them and help them hold together against the challenges they face.

But where will you even begin? Right now, it feels like there is so much uncertainty in the world. Everywhere you look, you see families struggling and the family structure breaking down, and it’s hard to imagine how things will ever change. It’s easy to feel defeated by the endless need you see, especially as you realize how many parents don't have a godly vision for their family that guides their worldview

We believe there is hope for every family when they surrender their lives to follow God and His plan for the family. 

A powerful way to help families encounter Him and discover this plan is through outdoor adventures and sports programs. 

Our two main branches of ministry, 4MUS and SportQuest, invite families into inspiring activities, authentic community, and intentional opportunities to encounter Jesus and discover their true identity and purpose in the Kingdom of God.

All4One’s core team supports both ministries as they strengthen families from different directions. 

  • 4MUS serves adults, and their families as well, through life-changing outdoor adventures that awaken hearts, bring clarity to their purpose in life, and strengthen family relationships.

  • SportQuest serves youth, and their families by extension, through a global partnership off sports ministry leaders who help them discover a biblical worldview and the love of Christ. 

Families worldwide struggle TO DIFFERENTIATE their culture’s ideas of family from God’s design.

However, as they engage with All4One, they encounter the shared purpose God has for them as “Kingdom Outposts.” With a clear vision, they grow in their faith, build strong family cultures, and live lives of service and adventure. 

They help extend the Kingdom of God into new territory, become part of the solution for the problems we see in the world, and create a legacy of faith for future generations.

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These are the guideposts we follow as we pursue All4One’s mission to Strengthen Families through Adventure and Sport.

Adventurous Faith

We are called to live out of our comfort zone, full of faith, with a sense of urgency, following the whispers of God’s Spirit

Servant Leadership

True leadership is about serving, giving away the best of ourselves, and building people -- not empires

Whole Life Development

We are committed to helping people and communities grow physically, socially, and spiritually

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